About Me

I'm passionate about improving people's lives through technology, and creating designs that are fun, easy, and enjoyable to use, and that put people first. I became interested in UX when I realized that its goal - helping improve the experience of a product for users - was what I had been trying to do all along through iOS development and front-end web development. I want to apply my skills to make a real difference for users, and continue to learn and grow as a designer.

I am pursuing user experience design as a career, but have prior work experience in iOS development and front-end web development, both of which inform my UX focus. I also work in community management, and have done additional work in web production, client success, and graphic design. All of these involve an awareness of and advocacy for the needs of the user.

I'm seeking a work culture that values good communication and is collaborative, open-minded, flexible, friendly, and has a sense of humor (when appropriate). I have worked on in-person, freelance, and remote teams and have especially enjoyed working on remote teams due to their combination of versatility, diversity, and agility.

I currently work in a freelance capacity as a community manager on a remote team in the gaming field, where I assist players, respond to their queries, and help ensure they have a positive experience. I enjoy helping users in this role, and my goal is to continue to put users first in full-time work as a user experience designer.

My educational credentials include the Google UX Design Professional Certificate from Coursera, the iOS Development with Swift Techdegree from Treehouse, and a Bachelors of Arts from Lawrence University.

Outside of my work life, I enjoy playing bass guitar, doing yoga, listening to music, watching movies, occasionally going horseback riding, and more!

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