graphic design

web graphics

AMV Products

The below materials were created to advertise capabilities and offerings of American Marketing Ventures. This includes a set of small images to convey the ways the company can help a business. All pieces were created in Adobe Photoshop.

Campaign Coaching PR Profits SaaS MRA Suite

logo design

Bubolz Nature Preserve Nature Sings

The below materials are to advertise a concert series event at the Bubolz Nature Preserve in Appleton, Wisconsin. This includes a logo, large (24x30in) poster for print, and a smaller (8.5x14in) digital poster for the nature Preserve's website. All pieces were created in Adobe Illustrator, Bubolz logo used with permission.
Bubolz Nature Preserve Nature Sings Logo

Muscles and Pearls

The below logo was created for a friend for a lifestyle blog. Logo created in Adobe Illustrator.
Muscles and Pearls Logo

Oregon Wild Wilderness Conference

The below materials are to advertise the 2014 Oregon Wild Wilderness Conference in Portland, Oregon. This includes a logo, a brochure, a poster, and a postcard to be mailed out. All pieces were created in Adobe Illustrator, logo used with permission.
Oregon Wild Wilderness Conference Logo